Before & After School Club

 siWe offer wrap-around care through our Breakfast & After-School clubs which are run by our staff team.
Until the end of this academic year 2023/24, sessions are available as follows :

Breakfast Club:
Mon-Fri (7.45am-8.45am) – £3.50/child

After-School Club:
Mon-Thurs (3.15pm-4.15pm) – £3.50/child
Mon-Thurs (3.15pm-5.15pm) – £6/child

Bookings for wrap-around care should be made through the school office at least 24 hours before it is required.

From September 2024, the provision will be offered as follows:

Breakfast Club:
Monday-Friday: 7.30am-8.45am : £4 per child.

Breakfast Club will run every day in term time from 7.30am until 8.45am.

Children can enjoy a delicious breakfast (cereal, toast or fruit) before embarking upon their school day. Regardless of whether the children choose to eat breakfast or come for the full hour, the £4 charge is a flat rate.


After-School Club

  • 3.15pm until 4.15pm £3.50 per child
  • 3.15pm until 5pm : £5.50 per child
  • 3.15pm until 5.45pm : £7 per child

Fridays: Please note the latest time for collection on Fridays will be 5pm.

  •  3.15pm until 4.15pm : £3.50 per child
  • 3.15pm until 5pm : £5.50 per child

After-school club includes a healthy snack and a drink. Children can take part in fun activities, go for village walks, have fun in the park, play on the school field, enjoy colouring, reading or simply relaxing after a busy day at school.