Friends of Leavening School (FOLS)

Our friendly FoLS team work hard to raise vital funds to help benefit children of all ages at Leavening School.  

They are always looking for helpers who can spare some time and ideas to assist with fundraising events.

To avoid the need for handling cash, all FoLS future fundraising will be through the school’s ParentPay system. This means any monies raised will go through the school central bank account but purchases/spending will be overseen by the FoLS committee.

FoLS will also continue to lead and be closely involved in decisions and planning of school fundraising events.

Please do get in touch with school if you can help with any events or wish to attend any FoLS meetings. 

Thanks for your support.


FoLS Team

Chair: Mrs S. Mitchell
Co-Chairs: Ms N. McEvinney/Mrs D. Stockill
Treasurer: Mrs E. Isaacs
Secretary: Ms L. Chadbourne/Ms S. Kemp

The next meeting will take place:
To be arranged…

Meeting minutes from 2024/25-

Funds raised from academic year 2024/25:
Halloween Disco: £140
Xmas movie afternoon: 
Christmas bag packing: £92.22
Christmas carol singing: £114
Christmas Fair: £250
Asda CashPot for Schools: £167.41

Meeting minutes from 2023/24-

Funds raised from academic year 2023/24:
Halloween Disco: £155
Combined Christmas events: £501
Movie afternoon: £110
Valentines Disco: £120
Chocolate Bingo: £213
Summer Disco: £95
Summer Raffle: £366
Ice-lolly sales and donations from refreshments at events: £70

Planned Events: 2024/25

  • Valentines disco (13/02/25)

  • Easter movie afternoon (26/03/25)

  • Chocolate bingo (03/04/25)

  • Family quiz (22/05/25)

  • Summer fair. (TBC)

 The current focus for our FoLS fundraising is: RockSteady.

We are delighted to be able to offer all school children the chance to be part of a highly sought after extra-curricular opportunity. ‘The sound of self-belief’ through fun, progressive and inclusive rock and pop band lessons in school. 
Rock Steady is the leading provider of in-school band lessons and every child in reception-Year 6 will take part in weekly band sessions during the school day from December until the summer term. Each child will be able to choose whether they play the drum, electric guitar, keyboard or are a vocalist in a small group band. The sessions are delivered by professional musicians each week and you are able to sign up to a portal to track your child’s progress and discover the skills they are learning. Each term there will be a special concert held at school to celebrate. We believe this will enhance the rich music and performing curriculum we already offer at Leavening and enable our children to develop confidence, self esteem and skills beyond what the classroom can offer.

As a small school and with a generous donation from FoLS, we have been able to secure these lessons at a heavily subsidised cost to each pupil.