Newsletters & Homework

Reading for pleasure

We are delighted with our pupils’ attitudes towards reading at Leavening and we have a positive culture of ‘everyone a reader’ which, of course, is the most important factor in enabling access to a broad curriculum. We are keen for all pupils to read widely and often at home and therefore have introduced the following incentive.

Your child will have a reading reward card and will be encouraged to read 5 times a week at home. Each time they read/share a book, they/you will sign their reading record and then this will correlate into a ‘punch’ onto their reading card (a bit like a loyalty card in Costa!) Every time a child achieves 20 ‘punches’ to demonstrate they have read 20 times, then they will be able to choose from the reading reward list.
Your child won’t bring their reading reward card home, but they will bring their book and reading record and so please do encourage and support them in reading for pleasure at home. Any further questions please get in touch.